Friday, April 30, 2010

It's funny how a single thing can make your day seriously awesome. Today, my cousin quoted one of my status' on Facebook. I was in shock, and incredibly flattered. Now you could say that it was my cousin who made my day. But have you noticed, when you look down deep, God is always at the root of everything? So here's the story:

The thing God's been working with me on is boldness. Stating my opinion without fear of being persecuted/embarassed. It's a lot harder actually doing it then just talking about it. So I thought of this status:

'Those who cannot see God's amazing love really do have their eyes shut tight. Those who can see it but don't accept it I simply can't understand.'

So I post it, then I start flipping out, like, "Oh my gosh, someone's totally going to get offended, should I delete it? Ahhhh!" But I remembered my own words of my 'It's time to come out!' post and thought, "Okay, here's me new motto: As long as it has God's seal of approval, I'm going to post it. His approval is all I need."

I posted 'It's time to come out!' as well, just to top the whole thing off, and tagged a load of people in it.

In the morning, my status had no comments and no likes. I was like, 'Whatever. God liked it." and went on with life. Then this evening, I saw my cousin posted it as her own status!

God is good, all the time. Don't let anybody ever tell you different.

His timing is perfect.

He knows our hearts even better then we do.

In short, he is amazing. :)

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