Sunday, April 18, 2010


You know it's one of the most incredible things when you finally see a manifest answer to prayer; when you finally experiance something you've been waiting and longing for. But you know what is just as incredible? When out of the blue for no reason whatsoever God just gives you a gift. You didn't ask for it, you may not have even thought of it, and God's just like, "I've got something for ya!" and suddenly there is this amazing thing in front of you.

Those moments just really make my day. It's amazing that God cares for us so much. It's amazing that He delights in us. I can almost imagine Jesus up there, tying up the gift with a big red bow, smiling all excitedly and saying, "She's really going to like this one! I can't wait to see her face when she gets it!"

Another fun thing is seeing when God answers your prayers in a way you don't expect. You kind of imagine how you want the answer to be manifested, but then suddenly when you're not expecting it God pulls out this crazy awesome answer that you couldn't imagine. At those times I just have to sit there and laugh and say, "God, you are awesome!" Because sometimes, that's all there is to say.

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