Monday, April 26, 2010

Look to the skies...

God's promises should stand out the most in our times of trouble.

Sometimes, that's exactly when we forget them.

After all, it's easy to remember things like that when you're happy and joyful and all promise-y.

But when things start to go bad, we often think about how bad things are going.

And we get all dramatic wondering if it could get any worse.

And if we'll even survive.

Instead, we should be thinking about how AWESOME it will be when God pulls us through.

Because He will.

He makes a way out of no way.

He pulls us out of the pit.

He stands our feet on solid ground.

On Saturday night it was raining. We were driving home from Indianapolis at 8:00-ish. The wind was blowing, the rain was falling, the tempature was warm. "Wow, this is perfect weather for a tornado. You don't know how perfect it is." Sarah said.
"Oh, believe me, I do." I told her. Sarah is the kind that wanted to chase tornadoes. I am the kind that wants to camp out in the basement with a book and a flashlight and a Hershey bar and wait until it goes away. The thought of a tornado was jabbing at me, trying to strike fear in me. But as we were driving along, I sat up straight and said, "Oh my gosh, look, a rainbow!" It was dark and cloudy, yet there, clear as day, it was, a shining reminder of God's promises. He has really great timing, you know? :)

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